
Couple on the beach
Intended Parent’s Guide

Intended Parent’s Guide

Here are some important points for Intended parents. Have a look at this points for better understanding.

Expand Your Choices

It may seem counterintuitive, but to effectively narrow down your choices, you should start by gathering as much information as possible about the partners and service providers you are looking for.

It’s one of the principal reasons why we created Expecting: to provide Intended Parents with as much info and as many options as possible.

The more data and information you have, the easier it will be to make the right decisions.
Whether it’s the height and hair color of a potential egg donor or testimonials about the agency you’re working with, we encourage you to ask questions, review the data, and ask even more questions.

If you don’t feel comfortable with the info you’re given - if it’s not enough or seems incomplete, you have the right to ask for clarifications and get more info.

Choosing the right partners in this process can have an enormous impact on the entire experience, so it’s crucial to expand your range of choices and not feel limited. This can help identify the partners that will truly be the right fit for you.

What to Look For in An Egg Donor?

One of the most important things to learn about your egg donor is her medical and family history.
Once you’ve considered the physical traits that are important for you (or not that important), such as ethnicity, eye color, or height, it’s crucial to review a potential egg donor’s full medical history.

Get as much data as you can, including information about physical and mental health issues.
While many people have complex family medical histories, it is still important to find out as much as possible about any chronic conditions that could be passed down genetically.

If you feel that you don’t have enough info or that it’s too good to be true, don’t be shy about asking more questions.

Beyond the physical and genetic aspects, many Intended Parents choose to look at other qualities such as intelligence, athletic ability, personality, and interests. Some seek a sense of connection or spark of recognition with the egg donor, whether it’s through an expression of their personal goals and aspirations or a well developed sense of self. Remember, though, no matter our genetic makeup, all of us develop into multifaceted, beautiful, individual personalities.

Search for an Egg Donor here -

How to Choose A Surrogate?

We all know the accepted guidelines for choosing a surrogate, which cover the physical, medical, and psychosocial conditions of the potential surrogate.

But what about beyond these practical considerations? Are there things you should be thinking about that go beyond these basic requirements? We think so.

As this is potentially the central partnership of your assisted reproduction process, it’s important to do everything possible to make sure it’s a good, comfortable working relationship.

Are you looking for your new best friend? No, but you do want to make sure you’ll get along with the person as much as possible.

Think about what’s important to you, starting with the practical issues.
If you want to be there for all or most of the medical appointments throughout the process, cast your search within your geographic region.

Beyond other practical considerations, such as the level and frequency of communication during the surrogacy, consider how personal belief systems can affect the process.

Whether it’s how each of you feels about selective reduction or termination in the case of multiples or genetic issues that may come up; methods of delivery (for example, home birth vs. hospital), or the sexual orientation of the IPs. If you feel that someone’s worldview or political bent could impact your interactions and relationship, take that into account, as well.

Search for a Surrogate here -

Decide Which Agency to Go With

Your surrogacy agency is going to be with you throughout the entire process, so it’s important that you feel you can rely upon their professional expertise, as well as their overall support.

Make sure you have a clear, detailed overview of the services they provide, and what is or is not included.

As with egg donors or surrogates, you deserve to have all the data you need, so make sure you ask for any data, information, or references that you feel you need to help you make your decision.

Financial transparency is crucial when dealing with an agency, so make sure you receive comprehensive, accurate information from them.

Your agency will be your guide and representative throughout the process, so it’s vital that you feel you can rely upon them for all aspects of support - clinical, legal, logistically, and emotional.

Search for an Agency here -

We at Expecting want to make sure you connect with the right partners who support and accompany you throughout the entire process, however long it takes.

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