
Ready to become a surrogate?

Fill-in only one form, join our digital Potential Surrogate Database and get offers from fertility agencies, clinics & future parents

Did you know?

The surrogate compensation fee varies from $30,000 to $60,000 and sometimes even higher.

Do I qualify?

Years old

At least one successful pregnancy

In general good health

BMI under 32

No criminal record

Drug-free record (including marijuana)

US citizen or permanent resident

Expecting.ai makes it
Easy, Free and No Obligations.
Access top vetted US agencies with our fully digital application.

Getting started is easy

  • Fill in a single application form to determine if you pass the initial screening.
  • Receive offers from vetted US agencies, clinics and intended parents.
  • Get a free consultation with an experienced surrogate to help you make an informed decision.
  • Choose the right match for you.
Apply with a single form