Egg Donors

International Egg Donation Journey: A Step-by-Step Guide
International Egg Donation Journey: A Step-by-Step Guide

International Egg Donation Journey: A Step-by-Step Guide

Embarking on the international egg donation journey is a significant step for intended parents seeking to build their families. This comprehensive guide provides a detailed overview of each stage involved in the process, from the initial search for an egg donor to the creation of embryos. By understanding the intricacies of the journey, intended parents can navigate the process with confidence, ensuring a smooth and fulfilling experience. Through advanced technology and the collaboration of agencies, clinics, and donors, the international egg donation journey offers hope and the opportunity to bring dreams of parenthood to life.

Embarking on the international egg donation journey can be a transformative and rewarding experience for intended parents. From the initial search for an egg donor to the culmination of creating embryos, each stage plays a crucial role in this complex process. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the key stages involved in the international egg donation journey, offering insights into what to expect along the way.

In order to embark on a successful international journey for embryo creation, there are three important decisions that intended parents need to make. These decisions play a crucial role in shaping the entire process and ensuring a positive outcome. Choosing the right egg donation agency, selecting a reputable clinic for the egg retrieval and embryo creation, and finding the perfect egg donor are key considerations that require careful thought and consideration. By making informed choices in these areas, intended parents can set the stage for a smooth and fulfilling international journey, bringing them closer to their dream of expanding their family.

International Embryo Creation Infographic
International Embryo Creation Infographic

Once these decisions are made, it is time to delve into the intricacies of the international egg donation journey. In the following sections, we will provide a comprehensive step-by-step guide, outlining the 13 crucial stages involved in the process. From the initial search for an egg donor to the creation of embryos, each step is vital in ensuring a successful outcome. By understanding and navigating these stages with confidence, intended parents can approach their international journey with clarity and peace of mind. Let's explore the 13 steps that will pave the way towards the creation of embryos and the realization of their dream of parenthood.

International Egg Donation Journey Infographic
International Egg Donation Journey Infographic

1. Search and find  an Egg Donor:

The journey begins by finding your ideal match. Utilize's comprehensive database with over 7,000 profiles of egg donors worldwide. Filter your search based on physical attributes, medical history, and personal characteristics. Start with a broad search and narrow down your choices to the final candidates that align with your preferences. Connect with the agencies representing these donors to receive their full profiles.

2. Choose an Agency:

Once you have identified potential egg donors, it is essential to connect with reputable agencies.
Connect with agencies through Expecting’s platform to review the full profiles of potential egg donors. Schedule virtual meetings over Zoom to compare cost estimates, understand the services offered, and ensure compatibility with your values and requirements.

3. Select an Egg  Donor:

After reviewing multiple egg donors- it’s time to narrow down your search and choose the right one for you. Review information regarding her family tree and  childhood photos to gain insights into the genetic and physical attributes of the egg donors. Establish a personal connection by booking a Zoom meeting, if agreed upon by the donor. Once you have chosen an egg donor, you will sign a contract with the agency and initiate the screening process by paying the first instalment.

4. Donor Screening:

The chosen egg donor undergoes a thorough screening process to ensure her health and suitability. This includes genetic testing, blood work to assess hormone levels, AMH testing for ovarian reserve evaluation, and psychological evaluations. These tests ensure the donor's physical and mental readiness for the journey.

5. Choose a Clinic:

Select a reputable clinic based on the legal requirements and your specific needs. Consider factors such as success rates, expertise, and compatibility with your journey. If needed, find a clinic that can handle embryo shipment or check the legislation for implementation at your chosen clinic.

6. Sign a Contract with the Clinic:

Once you have chosen a clinic, review the full cost estimate provided by the clinic, paying close attention to additional expenses like Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) and embryo storage. Once in agreement, sign a contract with the clinic to solidify your partnership. Ensure that your agency representative collaborates closely with the medical team for a streamlined journey.

7. Receive Protocol and Timeline:

The clinic provides an initial protocol outlining the medication plan and schedule for the donor's stimulation process. Understand the timeline and communicate any questions or clarifications with the clinic. Coordinate travel and accommodation arrangements to align with the protocol, allowing flexibility in case of unexpected changes.

8. Donor Stimulation:

The chosen donor undergoes a stimulation process in her hometown under medical supervision. This involves administering medications to stimulate the growth and maturation of multiple eggs. The agency may request video documentation of the medication administration for protocol compliance.

9. Blood Work and Scans:

Regular monitoring through blood work and ultrasound scans tracks the donor's response to the medications. Same-day results are crucial for adjusting medication dosages and determining the trigger shot timing.

10. Adjust Protocol:

Based on the scan records shared with the clinic every two days, medication dosages are adjusted to optimise the donor response. This adjustment ensures the best possible outcome for the egg retrieval procedure. The clinic also determines the day for the trigger shot and the specific type of trigger shot needed.

11. Travel 

According to the egg donation plan, the donor will travel to the clinic, which may involve traveling to a different country. Ensure that the travel plan is flexible, including flexible flight tickets that can be changed if needed due to unexpected changes in the donor's body response or any other unforeseen circumstances.

12. Egg Retrieval:

Typically performed in the morning, the egg retrieval procedure is a minimally invasive process conducted under anaesthesia. Skilled medical professionals use ultrasound guidance to collect mature eggs from the donor's ovaries. The procedure usually takes about 30 minutes, and the first count of the retrieved eggs occurs a few hours later once the laboratory reviews the results.

13. Embryo Creation:

Following the egg retrieval, the collected eggs are fertilized with either the intended parent's sperm or donor sperm in the laboratory. The resulting embryos can be used for immediate implementation or undergo freezing for future use. In some cases, embryo shipment may be an option for international collaborations, allowing for greater flexibility in treatment location.


The international egg donation journey encompasses a series of critical stages that work together to bring the dream of parenthood to life. From the initial search for an egg donor to the creation of embryos, each step requires careful consideration and collaboration with reputable agencies and clinics. By leveraging advanced technology and the expertise of professionals in the field, intended parents can navigate this complex process with confidence.

It is essential to prioritize communication and transparency throughout the journey, ensuring clear understanding of costs, timelines, and expectations. Building a strong partnership between the intended parents, agencies, and medical teams is key to a successful and fulfilling experience.

Remember, the international egg donation journey offers hope and the opportunity to expand your family. Through the dedication and collaboration of all parties involved, the path to parenthood can be made smoother, more efficient, and filled with endless possibilities.

Always seek guidance from experienced professionals, stay informed about the legal and ethical aspects, and trust in the process. We hope  this step-by-step guide empower you on your remarkable journey of building a family through international egg donation.

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