Egg Donors

Donating Egg Risks
Health Risks of Being an Egg Donor

Health Risks of Being an Egg Donor

Every egg donor wants to be certain of one thing – but what are the risks?

The egg donation process requires the egg donor to take hormone injections for stimulating the release of multiple eggs. The egg retrieval requires anesthesia as well. Therefore, the process includes some health risks which may appear later on in life.

Let’s start from the top…

Physical Risks of Donation

Egg donors might want to bear complication and some unwanted side effects. The process starts with injecting fertility drugs, which may cause a different reaction.

You might experience stomach pressure, allergic reaction, mood swings, and headaches. Other side effects include fluid retention, tenderness around the ovaries and breast tenderness.

Some donors may experience temporary weight gain as a result of bloating. The gain normally goes away until the next menstrual cycle.

In case the donor over stimulates, they might run the risk of developing OHS (Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome). It is a rare condition that occurs in less than five per cent of the donors.

If it’s severe, the syndrome might result in damage to the ovaries. If the case is less severe, you will experience bloating and strong cramping. Should the symptoms remain consistent, the physician might reduce the dosage or terminate the egg donation procedure altogether.

Risks During the Retrieval

When it comes to the egg retrieval procedure, the donors are exposed to the same risk they would if they were undergoing another invasive procedure. The procedure is relatively new; therefore, there isn’t much information available on the long-term effects of the donation.

However, the risk could occur if complications like infection or bleeding occur. This is rare, but if the internal bleeding is severe, surgery might be required to repair the damage caused to the internal organs.

Some donors may experience allergies from antibiotics. Empirical studies haven’t demonstrated a definitive link between egg donation and cancer, infertility or any other significant health problem. Women selling eggs, in any case, need to be aware of the health risks associated with the procedure.

There is a small risk that the needle used for collecting the egg may puncture the blood vessels, bowel or bladder. If bleeding occurs, it’s stopped at the end of the procedure by applying pressure. If you are concerned about the tiny hole made, antibiotics are prescribed for healing and recovery.

If you want to become an egg donor, check out Expecting and learn more about the process.

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